Singapore Stewards Press Release
RACE 7 [TF0643]
The Inquiry into the running and handling of FAST AND FEARLESS in Race 7 at the Singapore Turf Club Meeting on Saturday, 04 September 2021 was concluded on Wednesday, 08 September 2021.
After taking evidence from Jockey JP Van Der Merwe (pictured) and Trainer J Peters, the Trainer of FAST AND FEARLESS, Jockey Van Der Merwe was found guilty of a charge under MRA Rule 44(8) in that he, as the rider of FAST AND FEARLESS, in Race 7, failed to take all reasonable and permissible measures throughout the race to ensure that his horse was given full opportunity of winning or of obtaining the best possible placing.
The particulars being:
- from the 400m until the 150m, he did fail to ride his mount with sufficient vigour and determination when at all times it was reasonable and permissible for him to do so.
When deciding on penalty, the Stewards took into account the serious nature of the charge, his record and his personal circumstances.
Jockey Van Der Merwe was disqualified for a period of one year with immediate effect from Wednesday, 08 September 2021 to Wednesday, 07 September 2022 both dates inclusive in accordance with the provisions of MRA Rule 44(8)(a). He was advised of his Right of Appeal.