Nunes one shy of 500 Kranji wins, eyes off another milestone next year

Manoel Nunes

By Michel Lee, Singapore Turf Club

Manoel Nunes is just one win short of hitting the 500-win target at Kranji, but hungry as ever, he has already set his sights on another bigger landmark next season.

The mercurial Brazilian hoop had always harboured one regret when he left Singapore in 2017 after his licence was not renewed – to have come up short by five winners on 495.

He did edge a little closer at a hit-and-run visit in 2019 with a win aboard Limited Edition, but got his real chance at closing off the unfinished business with a longer-term licence which the Singapore Turf Club granted him back in June.

Resurgence (Manoel Nunes) finishes the widest to open his account.

However, when all the work permit paperwork dragged on for five months mainly due to the tighter COVID-19 controls on border entries, Nunes, who was stuck in Brazil, started to wonder if he’d ever tick that box.

The fact he had also not ridden since December 2019 (when he was crowned Mauritius champion jockey) did little to dampen the moments of self-doubt.

Even when the deadlock was finally over, and he could fly in and was cooped up for 10 days in a Singapore hotel for his mandatory quarantine, he feared the four meetings left in his drastically-shortened licence (from six months to only one) would not be enough to see him ride at his peak to achieve the milestone – and will have to wait until 2022, if he is relicensed, God willing.

The three-time Singapore champion jockey had sold himself – or at least his fitness levels – short.

In two meetings, he has already banged in three winners. Bizar Wins for one of his staunchest supporters during his 2014-2017 reign, Alwin Tan, at his first day and a riding double, Resurgence and Thunder for Tim Fitzsimmons last Sunday.

“I honestly didn’t think it (the 500th milestone) would be for this year. I was worried I wasn’t fit enough and I wasn’t sure if I’d get enough support after being away so long,” said Nunes.

“Anyway, that wasn’t the main goal. I just wanted to get back into it and if I ride one winner or two in the remaining four meetings, I’d be happy.

“But things have turned out better than I thought. I haven’t ridden in a race for nearly two years, but I’ve been working really hard to get back in shape.

“There wasn’t much more I could do, but I thank God for having given me good health, and as I don’t drink or smoke, it’s much easier to look after myself and my fitness.

“I’m also lucky I got on horses that were well prepared. Tim is a very good young trainer, and I was happy to ride a double for him on Sunday.

“I knew him from his time as assistant-trainer to Cliff Brown and he has shown he has learned a lot from his master. In the mornings, I am impressed with how he is very detailed and professional, he follows his horses to the track, watches them and will always go up to his riders for their feedback.

“That first win (on Resurgence) was the hardest, as the horse was off the bridle from the backstraight. I had to go three wide to get him going.

“It was really hard work, as he was also on the wrong leg, and I thought he was not quickening well enough, but luckily, he responded very well in the end, and got his maiden win.

Thunder brings up the double for Manoel Nunes and Tim Fitzsimmons on Sunday.

“So, I need just one more winner now. Let’s hope for some luck in the last two meetings.

“But what would mean even more to me would be to reach the 2,000-win mark here, hopefully next year, if I get to stay.

“With last Sunday’s double, I now have 1,940 winners all-up, including in Brazil and all around the world, Macau, Hong Kong, Korea, Dubai, Argentina, Mauritius and of course, Singapore.

“That would mean I will have to ride 60 winners next year. I know we have fewer meetings now, but let’s hope they will go up in the new season.

“In any case, if I look at Danny’s (Beasley) 50 winners this year, I think it’s doable. If I don’t make it, it’s okay, as long as I know I gave it my 100%, and there’s always the following season, anyway.”

From a bumper 12-race programme this Saturday, Nunes will stay in the jockeys’ room for only two races (5 and 11).

His rides are Despacito, Good Fight, Sky Eye, Intrepid, Superior Coat, Wind Of Liberty, Opunake, Sayonara, Gold Reward and Mortal Engine for eight different trainers, a clear indication of his strong popularity.

All his rides, bar maybe Opunake (can still surprise as horses often grow a leg under him), can realistically finish in the money, with the last three (Sayonara, Gold Reward and Mortal Engine) arguably his best chances to get him to that half-tonne mark.

Author: iRace